Tools Workshop – Tyre

LAH and forumZFD once again in a workshop that teachers found very useful on Saturday 15th July at Platinum Hotel – Tyre! A workshop titled “Isn’t it Time for a Personal Resource Pouch for History Teachers?” in which a group of teachers were trained on several educational digital tools and resources. LAH Tools: 1. “Massaruna”…

Discussion with Dr. Tony Gallagher on Dealing with the Past: The Northern Ireland Experience.

Within the continuous efforts of the Lebanese Association for History to learn about the experiences of other countries, a dialogue session has been conducted on dealing with the past, mainly in terms of the role played by historians and specialists in history and education in various societies that witnessed violent conflicts. Watch the full interview…

A Talk with Professor Dominique Avon about Freedom of Conscience

A l’occasion de son 10ème anniversaire et dans le cadre de la convention de coopération signée avec #EPHE-PSL Paris, l’Association libanaise pour l’histoire #LAH a accueilli, dans la soirée du 26 avril 2023, le professeur Dominique Avon, directeur d’études à l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris), pour prononcer une conférence d’histoire sur le thème :…