Lebanese Association for History

Our Vision

Our vision is to foster a healed coexistence in Lebanon and cultivate individuals capable of meaningful interaction and growth in the twenty-first century. We aim to achieve this by enhancing the teaching of history and advancing it as a human science.

Our Mission

LAH is a collective of educators, history teachers, academics, historians, educationalists, and activists. Together, we strive to develop history education in Lebanon using a disciplinary approach that caters to the needs of the country and promotes the development of the “human being” within Lebanese society.
Our mission is to contribute to the advancement of history teaching and learning in Lebanon, recognizing history as a distinct discipline and specialized field of study. We are committed to raising public awareness about the significance of history and history education in shaping individuals capable of rebuilding Lebanon as a nation characterized by humanity, freedom, beauty, innovation, and encounters.

Moreover, we aim to actively involve students in the process of teaching and learning history, empowering them to construct their own historical knowledge and develop the skills of “young historians” while also fostering essential life competencies.

We are keen to practice and promote the respect of the human being as a value and an end in him/herself, respect of diversity, objectivity and professional integrity, collaboration and participation, gender justice and equality, democratic values, and non-violent communication.

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LAH Strategies

Our Values

LAH Values

Respect of cultural diversity​​

Collaborative learning environment​​

Objectivity and authorship​​