Capacity Building

Spreading a disciplinary approach
Our proposed methodology for teaching and learning history is based on two key approaches: the historical thinking approach and the inquiry approach. In this approach, learners are presented with a significant inquiry question, often one that is controversial or thought-provoking, and all learning activities are designed to help learners answer that question. The inquiry question is rooted in a historical concept, such as causality, diversity, historical significance, change, and continuity, and all activities contribute to the development of this concept among the learners.

Developing Facilitation and Training skills

Implementing the historical thinking approach and the inquiry approach in history education requires well-prepared and purposefully trained teachers who are capable of effectively guiding the learning process in the classroom. LAH (name of the organization) aims to build the capacities of history teachers and equip them with the necessary skills to embrace the changes required for shaping individuals who can actively engage and participate in the twenty-first century.

We focus on developing teachers’ capacities to foster historical thinking and the competences of “young historians.” Additionally, we provide support to teachers in developing facilitation, training, and technological skills. A special emphasis is placed on assisting teachers in addressing sensitive and controversial historical topics in a way that contributes to the process of dealing with the past.

Producing Educational Resources

A comprehensive approach is needed in the process of training history teachers in Lebanon, and even in the Arab world, to be able to support the teacher at all levels, including teaching methods, facilitation skills, and providing educational resources. These resources are designed to align with our disciplinary approach, support inquiry-based learning, and cater to the diverse needs of learners and educators.
LAH contributes in several ways, especially through:
1) developing educational resources that keep pace with the desired change,
2) developing an electronic platform “Massadar” ( that provides a space for exchanging historical sources and references appropriate to educational curricula,
3) encouraging teachers to share their experiences with transparency to encourage their colleagues to take the initiative,
4) Support historical research on topics that serve education.

Contributing to Educational Policy Making in Lebanon

Since its establishment, LAH has been actively involved in influencing educational policymaking in the field of teaching and learning history. We recognize our civic responsibility and the importance of collaboration between state institutions and civil society, as well as between the public and private sectors.

Our ongoing cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon (MEHE), the Center for Educational Research and Development (CERD), and other relevant experts and stakeholders in educational policymaking in Lebanon exemplifies our commitment to this cause.

Building Networks

LAH is dedicated to building networks among educators and supporting collaborative learning communities among history teachers.

Since our inception, we have fostered collaborations with various educational and research institutions, including schools, universities, research centers, and teachers’ organizations, both within Lebanon and internationally.

Our goal is to strengthen networking opportunities and facilitate exchanges among history teachers in Lebanon and abroad, while also coordinating and promoting collaborations.

Currently, LAH is proud to be a member of Euroclio and has established MOU’s (Memorandums of Understanding) with several local and international organizations. We are fully committed to expanding our network further and developing new partnerships in different countries around the world.

Providing Meeting Space for History and Education Specialists

The lack of spaces for meetings and meaningful discussions between educators and historians is a significant challenge highlighted by LAH. It became clear to us that communication between Academic historians at universities and school teachers is rare. And there is a lack of collaboration between education experts and historians.

By facilitating these gatherings, we hope to create an environment conducive to valuable interactions, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among experts in the field.

Overall, LAH is actively engaged in contributing to educational policy making, building networks among educators, and providing meeting spaces for history and education specialists. We are committed to making a positive impact in the field of history education in Lebanon and beyond.

Encouraging Research in History

During the development of history modules, the Lebanese Association for History (LAH) has taken note of the lack of relevant scientific historical knowledge. It is essential to ensure that history is taught in classrooms with reliable content and aligned with the history curriculum.

To address this issue, LAH has taken several initiatives. Firstly, it has established local partnerships with a group of historians and universities in Lebanon. Additionally, LAH has forged international collaborations with historians and universities from various parts of the world. The objective is to transform LAH into a research laboratory in the field of history, pursuing two main paths:
1) A path dedicated to enhancing historical knowledge in general.
2) A path focused on producing studies related to history education in Lebanon and abroad, aiming to fill the significant knowledge gap in this area.

Currently, LAH is actively seeking new partnerships to bolster its efforts in supporting the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) in creating a new history curriculum for schools.

Dealing with the Past

In a country like Lebanon, which has experienced recurrent violent conflicts and tensions, history education plays a critical role in addressing the past. However, effectively navigating sensitive and conflictual histories requires specialized training and adequate preparation for teachers. The purpose behind this is to foster a healed national memory and contribute to the establishment of sustainable societal peace.

For the past decade, LAH has been engaged in exploring the teaching of the civil war and building the capacity of a group of teachers, enabling them to handle these challenging topics effectively.

Currently, we are seeking effective cooperation with colleagues and stakeholders in this field, so that LAH offers a space through which academics and history teachers can be influential in bringing about social and political change in Lebanon.